Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) means marketing strategy through which an individual efforts for sales for mlm products and services as well as the group of members and affiliates which are newly recruited by the old members and affiliates. The newly recruited members known as downline of sponsored member. The mlm also known as pyramid selling, referral marketing or network marketing.
There are various kinds of Mlm Compensation Plans on which mlm business based on. The most selected mlm plans like Matrix MLM plan, Binary MLM plan, Mobile Recharge MLM plan, Unilevel MLM Plan, Board MLM Plan, Stair Step Plan, Australian Binary Plan, Generation MLM Plan etc.
The company/individual which want to start their own mlm company need to sale of mlm products or services. MLM Yug offers their software and IT services for those who want to start their mlm company. We also provides mlm products for such companies. So that any individual or company just need to contact us for the MLM software and IT services as well as MLM products.

MLM Yug - Multi-level Marketing Software Company
Mobile: +91 80032 26860, +91 80032 26859
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